First Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Sweat glistened on Ruby's forehead as she lifted the weights, her bicep muscles flexing with each controlled rep.

Stefan sprawled on a nearby bench pretended to be engrossed in his phone, but his gaze kept straying toward her.

As Ruby worked out, Stefan found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her. He watched as she lifted weights, her muscles flexing, her determination evident on her face.

It was ridiculous, really. Ruby had always been his best friend, a constant presence in his life since childhood, their bond forged in scraped knees, pillow forts, and whispered secrets. Yet, as he watched her now, the familiar silhouette transformed.

He was mesmerized by the strength in her toned arms and the grace in her fluid movements, a beauty he'd never quite registered before.

As if sensing his stare, Ruby glanced his way, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Enjoying the view, Steffy?" she teased, her voice dripping with mock seriousness.