Check You Out?

While Stefan was still busy searching for a nice restaurant, Ruby returned to the bedroom.

"Are you not done yet? I'm bored," she said as she got on the bed beside him to see what he was doing.

Stefan tried to turn away so she wouldn't see what he was searching for, but he wasn't fast enough.

"You're searching for a nice restaurant for our date? I thought you were working," she said with a grin as she brought his laptop closer so she could see the places he was looking at.

"I was done reviewing the documents, so I wanted to book a nice place for us," he said with a false, nonchalant shrug.

"You should have asked me to help. I was busy wandering all over the house to kill time," she said without looking at him as she took over searching for the restaurant.

"Did you have anything in mind? Perhaps a place you've always wanted to go on a date?" He asked curiously.