We Are Both One

Melvin couldn't believe that despite what Peter had just said, Kimberly remained calm.

Was she feeling so calm because she wasn't the one to be dismissed? Why did he make the mistake of trusting her to handle this? Melvin mused.

"Have they started the meeting?" Kimberly asked, oblivious to Melvin's thoughts.

"It should start in ten minutes. I called to inform you about it," Peter replied, taken aback by her calmness.

"Alright. Thanks," Kimberly replied before ending the call.

After the call had ended, Kimberly turned to Melvin, "I will handle it," she said, knowing that he was worried.

"What do you intend to do?" he inquired.

"This is not looking good. Let's stop and just apologize to everyone. Since we are already taking full responsibility for Carlos' medical bill, I think it's best we let everything go. You can't handle the board of directors," Melvin said, not liking the direction of things at that moment.