What Elephant?

All through the day, Stefan's kiss played on repeat in Ruby's head as it had been doing since Saturday night– the brush of lips, the jolt of surprise, the lingering warmth.

Why? That was the question that nagged at her. Was it just a spontaneous end to their McStef-Beauty charade, or was there something more?

Even though she had kept telling herself that she wasn't going to think much about the kiss, that was all she had been able to think of all through Sunday and even while at the office earlier in the day.

She knew that she hadn't talked about it that night and all through Sunday because she was trying to play cool and act like it wasn't a big deal, but she couldn't understand why Stefan didn't want to say anything about it either.

Even though they were both not talking about it, she could sense the tension between them. It was like an elephant in the room.