I Like Kissing My Lips

As Melvin and Kimberly stepped outside, the warm sun embraced them.

"Fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased you that way," Kimberly said as she caught up with Melvin by the car.

"Apology accepted. I was not angry though. I just wanted to come finish it up in the car without having to worry about people staring at me," he said as he got into the car while Kimberly laughed as she got into the driver's seat.

As Kimberly watched him concentrate on the ice cream, she noticed the look of pure joy on Melvin's face as he took a spoonful of the ice cream, savoring the sweet taste.

"You are really enjoying it. Maybe we should get another bowl," she suggested.

"No. That will be too much. Shouldn't you be worrying about your body?" Melvin asked, and she shrugged.

"It's not like you do this often. I just want you to enjoy yourself," she said, and Melvin smiled, touched by her words.