Red Blanket

As much as Stefan didn't like that Ruby was being talked about that way by people who knew nothing about her, Nathan was right and he couldn't do anything about it.

Just like Nathan had said, the arrangement was helping to keep Ruby in check, and he very much liked that she wasn't getting involved with different men.

"Well, what can we do? Ruby is a big girl. We can't make decisions for her. Let's hope that by the end of this arrangement, she will change for the better. I see myself changing already anyway," Stefan said, and Nathan arched a brow.

"Really? It's been only a month. Isn't it too soon to say that?" Nathan asked, and Stefan shook his head.

"Nope. I'm not even having a hard time resisting ladies. They are not even appealing to me anymore," Stefan said, which was partially true since the only lady he was finding appealing at the moment was Ruby.

"For real? I don't believe you," Nathan said just as Ruby joined them.