Ruby’s Kinda Guy

After Nathan left, Ruby and Stefan returned to their bedroom so they could get ready for their date.

"Do you think perhaps Nath and Melv are suspicious of us and Nath came over to confirm things?" Ruby asked as they walked into the bedroom, and Stefan shook his head.

"If that were the case he wouldn't say everything he said. You know Nath. He would have done more of observation than talking," Stefan said, and Ruby nodded.

"Do you think maybe we should just open up to them about the arrangement? I believe they will understand," Ruby said, but Stefan shook his head.

"We agreed not to tell them. You know how they can be. Did you hear all that Nath said earlier? Imagine what he would say when we tell him the arrangement is our parents plan to get us to fall in love. Nah! I can't stand that," Stefan said, and Ruby laughed.