Lunch Date

As Melvin freshened up after a long day with Kimberly, he couldn't help but think about the question she had asked him earlier if there was a chance that he would have wanted a real relationship with her three years ago if she had not approached him with ulterior motives.

Although he had not bothered to respond to her question, he couldn't help but wonder why she had asked him that.

Apart from approaching him with ulterior motive was it possible that she had also liked him? Was there a chance that she had felt anything for him back then? He mused.

As he stepped out of the bathroom, he saw Kimberly arranging their dinner on the table.

"We hardly eat downstairs anymore," Melvin said, and she arched a brow.

"We do that every morning," she reminded him.

"I was talking about dinner," he said, wondering how he was going to go back to eating alone after this was over, when he was already used to eating with her.