It Meant Something

As the credits rolled on the screen. Melvin and Kimberly rose and headed to the exit door without saying a word to each other.

Stepping out of the darkened cinema hall, Kimberly blinked in the sudden brightness. The movie's lingering emotions swirled within her, tangled with the memory of Melvin's impulsive kiss. As they reached the exit doors, a voice called out from behind.

"Kimberly! Is that you?"

They both turned towards the source of the voice. A young woman, maybe a few years younger than Kimberly, approached them, a wide smile plastered across her face. Her eyes darted between Kimberly and Melvin, then back to Kimberly.

"Oh my gosh, it really is you! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you walk in earlier, but I was too shy to say anything then. You look even prettier in person!" she gushed, her voice filled with excitement.

Seeing how Melvin seemed lost, Kimberly nudged his side, "Hi," he said, a little flustered. "Yes, it's me."