No Mr. Johnson

Melvin's heart was beating really fast as he stepped into his house. Despite Kimberly's reassurances, he couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety that had beads of sweat forming on his forehead and dripping down his back.

All the while he was in the cab, he had tried to calm himself, trying to get his mind at ease so that he could face Star the way Kimberly had instructed him, and he had thought he was calm enough to face Star, but stepping into the house now, he realized just how unprepared he was.

It had been three years since he had last seen Star face to face, and their last encounter was far from pleasant since he had still been very mad then and Star had also been mad at him for being mad.

Even though he was now 'Kimberly,' he just wasn't confident that he wouldn't give something away. In fact, it was because he was now 'Kimberly,' that he was that scared to face Star.