We Will Continue Later

A wave of unexpected femininity washed over Kimberly, mingling with the heat blossoming in her core.

Just as the kiss deepened, a knock on the door shattered the moment. Melvin pulled away, "We will continue later," he said with a wry smile playing on his lips when he saw the boner in Kimberly's trouser.

Kimberly, flustered, retreated further into the room.

"I will get the door," Melvin said, already heading towards the door.

It was just the kitchen staff, letting them know breakfast was ready. Melvin quickly sent her away after letting her know they would be down shortly, and then he rejoined Kimberly.

"Ready to go?" he asked, looking her over.

She nodded, her voice still breathless. "Yes, let's get Star."

Just as they stopped by Star's bedroom door, the door opened before they could knock on it.

"Good morning, sis, breakfast is ready downstairs," Melvin announced.