That Is Surprising

Melvin woke up at past nine on Saturday morning with a smile on his face when he felt the warmth of Kimberly's body pressed against his back. This had become the norm for them- waking up to each other's embrace.

Quietly, he slid out of bed, not wanting to wake Kimberly from her peaceful slumber until he was done freshening up. He tip-toed to the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind him.

As he used the toilet, Melvin couldn't help but think about Star, who had left the previous day. He had grown quite fond of her in the short time she had been around around.

It amused him that Star didn't catch on to their act and didn't realize that she had spent her entire time there with him and not Kimberly.

He couldn't believe that Kimberly had almost exposed them thinking she had caught on. He chuckled at the thought as he washed up and went to brush his teeth.