Sleeping In

Unlike before, that Sunday morning, Kimberly was the first to stir, her arm draped across Melvin's waist as she held him close to her chest. She inhaled the scent of his hair, which momentarily disturbed Melvin, causing him to turn towards her direction.

She pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, with her lips lingering a little longer than necessary. She leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Morning babe," in a low and husky voice.

Melvin, still half-asleep, shifted closer to her chest, mumbling something under his breath that was unintelligible to Kimberly. She leaned in, trying to catch what he was saying.

"What did you say, babe?" She asked, her voice dripping with playfulness, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Melvin, still groggy from sleep, pouted and lifted his head a little, opening his eyes to look at her. The cute expression on his face made Kimberly's heart melt. She leaned down to peck his lips.