Moving Together

As Stefan descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen, his steps faltered when he saw Ruby's parents seated in the living room chatting and laughing as they watched the television.

They both turned in his direction when they heard his footsteps.

"Good morning, Uncle, Aunt," he greeted and Ruby's parents nodded.

"How are you? And where is Ruby?" Mrs Winter asked as she looked him over.

"I'm fine. Ruby is freshening up. I came to get breakfast. We will be eating upstairs," Stefan said and Ruby's mother exchanged a glance with her husband.

Mr Winters gestured to a seat opposite them. "Why don't you sit with me while my wife informs them to serve your breakfast? There is something that we need to discuss with you," Mr. Winters said and Stefan sat across from them while his wife hurried away to go instruct the kitchen staff to arrange their breakfast.