No One Is Swapping

Nathan was still fuming with anger as he went about his business in the bathroom. The sound of the running water was not enough to drown out the word 'pervert' that kept ringing in his head.

He hadn't realized how much he hated that word that she called him that, and it hurt him to the core.

He knew he had made a mistake, but he was about to apologize and explain things when she began to hurl insults at him.

She wasn't his type in anyway so why would she assume he was the least bit interested in her body? He mused as he stepped out of the bathroom.

After he had put on a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt, he settled on the bed and picked up his phone to text his mystery lady.

She was the only one who could calm him right now. He thought and a smile creeped up his face when he saw that she had texted him a few minutes ago.

Her message read, [Hey? You busy?]

[Just got out of the shower. Missing me?] he texted back.