I’m Heartbroken

As Nathan walked away from the others to nowhere in particular, different thoughts ran through his head.

He still couldn't come to terms with the fact that Star was his Crazyasspsycho, but the 'hey' she had texted him was right there on his phone, taunting him.

To think he had fallen so deeply for her. It was ironic that the same person who irritated him in person was also the one who brought him solace online.

He couldn't shake off the memories of the times he turned to her online persona after an argument with her.

All the times he had been comforted by her, all the times he had taken her advice to heart and listened to them, and even the moment when he openly declared his affection for her. Thinking about it now, it just sort of made sense why her advice when he found out that his friends were keeping secrets from him sort of clicked.