Trinket Lady

The moment Kimberly's eyes fluttered open, she sat up on the bed and looked around the room, disoriented.

When she saw that she was in Star's room but Star wasn't there, she tried to recall why and then it all came back to her.

The syringe and the possibility that Melvin might have been abducted.

Immediately, she got out of bed and hurried out of the bedroom, wanting to go see if Melvin was back or if they had heard anything from the search party yet.

She knew it was a long shot since they would have tried to wake her, or Melvin would have been by her side had he been back, still, she didn't want to squash her hope herself.

As she made her way to the living room, she paused when she heard voices in the living room.

Her heart raced as she hoped that she would hear Melvin's voice from the conversation going on in the living room. Possibly telling the others what had happened and why he took so long to get back.