It’s Okay Now

While Melvin was keeping the man occupied, Adrenaline coursed through their veins as Nathan and Star scoured the warehouse's exterior.

Every boarded-up window, every rusted metal panel felt like a taunt, hiding Kimberly's fate. Nathan kept his gaze sharp, scanning for secondary entrances, fire escapes, anything that might offer access.

Star, fueled by a desperate hope, practically vibrated with nervous energy. Just then, a faint muffled cry pierced the air, barely audible but unmistakable.

"Kimberly!" Star gasped, her eyes darting wildly across the building. It came again, a choked sob this time, originating from a window on the building's north side. Relief washed over them, momentarily forgotten by a surge of renewed panic.

The window was high up, and the rickety metal fire escape that snaked its way beside it looked like it could barely support a cat, let alone two full-grown adults.