Stop Overreacting

As Kimberly and Star expressed their relief that they were finally safe, Melvin and Stefan returned to join them, after informing Nathan's parents about the incident.

Ruby asked with concern, "How did they take the news?"

"They are relieved it was just a shoulder wound and he is going to be fine," he said and they all nodded in understanding.

Star was indeed grateful that no big harm had come to Nathan, as she couldn't begin to imagine the pain it would have caused his family.

Ruby looked at Kimberly and Melvin, "You both should go get your bruises cleaned and covered," she suggested, feeling uncomfortable by the sight.

"We will be back soon," Melvin said as he took Kimberly's hand and they walked away, leaving Ruby, Stefan and Star.

Star sighed as she watched them leave and she couldn't help being thankful for the swap. She was glad it had reversed when it did, else she would have lost Kimberly.