Positive Vs Negative Influence

As Melvin and Kimberly lay on the bed, ready to go to bed after dinner, Kimberly sighed in contentment as she snuggled closer to Melvin inhaling his scent.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do this," Melvin said and Kimberly giggled.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," she said as she trailed a finger down his chest.

"It was nice having that video call with your brothers and their wives," Kimberly said, thinking about the group call they had received from Brad and Taejoon during dinner.

His brothers had been so worried when they saw the news and had been mad that Melvin didn't call to tell them what was going on until they had to see it on the news.

"Yeah. I can only imagine how crazy it would be when they come for the wedding," Melvin said with a grin, then his expression turned serious when he remembered something.