We Both Messed Up

A week later, as Kimberly slowly stirred from her sleep, she saw Melvin, who was already awake, propped up on one elbow, completely engrossed in his phone.

His furrowed brows and the rapid movements of his fingers on the screen caught her attention, stirring her curiosity.

"Good morning, babe," she murmured, her voice still carrying the remnants of sleep.

Melvin looked up, and his serious expression softened into a smile. "Good morning, sunshine. You slept well. I know you did," he said, leaning in to brush her forehead with a tender kiss.

"I did. Did you?" she asked, her eyes lingering on his face, noting the faint tension in his features as his attention darted back to the screen of his phone.

"Sure," Melvin said without looking at her.

"You've been sort of preoccupied with your phone lately," she remarked casually. "Anything important?"