To Growth, Love, And Friendship

On Wednesday night, the pulsating beat of the music greeted Melvin and Kimberly as they walked into the club hand in hand, and when they got to the center of the club, Melvin stopped abruptly.

"Why are you stopping?" Kimberly asked, and he grinned.

"You proposed to me right here a couple of months ago," he reminded her, and she looked around and then laughed.

"And you rejected me flat out. You asked me to get lost," she said and Melvin chuckled.

"But you didn't," he pointed out.

"Yeah. I didn't. And here we are. I guess it's safe to say I told you so," she said, and he raised a brow.

"Told me what?"

"Told you to marry me, and you eventually did," she said, and they both laughed before continuing to go join the others at their usual spot.

As they approached, they saw Stefan, Nathan and Ruby already seated there with their drinks and immediately, their faces lit up with excitement.