The resurrection of the Deutsches Kaiserreich

June 4, 1941

Ministry of State of the Netherlands.

"Hmmm... I don't have long to live, do I?"

A log cabin filled with a leisurely, languid atmosphere.

An old man, a former lumberjack of some respectability, lies groggy on a log bed made of wood he cut himself.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack!"

"Tch.... What the hell is that crow? .... What's that noise?"

"Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!!"

"...Even at the last moment, next to me was .... Not a black eagle, just a black crow.... Is this the price I pay for wasting my life?"

Although the crows are noisy, the old man approaches the moment of death in a peaceful atmosphere.

Is the world so far gone that even natural death is a luxury?

The colonial empires that slaughtered blacks and yellows and called their bellies bloated have been burned to a mustache with only one bullet.

The Soviet Union, born from the belly of Mother Russia between feudalism and modernity, is being purged by the White House of Georgia.

The Yellow Turks, always vigilant in their old age, were depopulated in real time by the Sino-Japanese war, which washed them in blood.

Across the Atlantic, the United States of America is trying to become a dictatorship for the third time, but has created a new law, the Arms Lend-Lease Act, and is happily selling arms and food to the Allies at 2% interest.

Is it still a capitalist country?

Despite its decline, the unthinkable is happening in the German Empire.

The sight of a world in which petty capitalists who dare to fiddle with money wield the sacred power of the state, granted by God only to kings, is frightening.

The End Times.

"The world is coming to an end after all.... I'm the only hero who can save the world, huh?"

"Boom! Boom!"

Regret for the past, as millions of Teutonic warriors cursed themselves in the trenches.

Fear of death, now just around the corner....

Was it a combination of all these feelings?

The old man was alone, laughing, crying, talking to himself.

The sounds of civilization, so out of place in a tree house, came from the radio.

[His Excellency Adolf Hitler, leader of the Germanic peoples and leader of the German nation, has occupied the French Republic in six weeks and is avenging the shame of the First World War, which was started by the Junkers and the Kaiser, by burning London, the heart of the British Empire, with thousands of fighter planes.]


[Long live Hitler! Long live the Reich! Long live the Germanic race! Long live the Nazis!]

".....Surely the world has gone mad, that an Austrian country bumpkin, who wasn't even born in the German Reich, is called the leader of the Germanic peoples.... Kulk...."

The old man, nearing death, silently closed his eyes and covered his ears.

He did not want to hear.

Not now, when all the applause that should have been for him was for an Austrian peasant with a moustache smaller than his own.

The old man's name is Wilhelm II, and he's jealous of the balls-less bastard who, unlike him, is beating up on his enemies.

He was once the great emperor of the German Empire, the one the French Republic feared, the British Empire trembled under, the Russian Empire shuddered under, and the United States of America coveted.


He became the monarch of an absolute imperial dynasty under the guise of a constitutional monarchy, engaged in a naval race with Great Britain, and pursued a policy of expansion against the colonial powers.

But the old man was not satisfied.

So he started World War I, a war that was supposed to be about global hegemony, but the Allies were strong.

Except ....

The British Empire, the French Republic, the Russian Empire, and the United States of America, the five largest powers in the world, fight at the same time, and it is rather strange when they win.


The German Empire was defeated despite the sacrifice of millions of Germanic peoples.

Of course, the old man was kicked out of the German Empire.

The victorious king gets all the glory, but the defeated king is left with nothing but despair.



Twenty-one years later, in the year 1939.

The great German Reich, once ruled by an old man, is once again on the brink of world war, and the Führer, a man with a toothbrush mustache who, unlike himself, is quickly taking over and threatening to devour all of Europe.


How is it that the French Republic surrenders in six weeks?!

"Kulk.... Kuluk.... Ah.... I also wanted to make the German Reich great again.... Kulloo.... Kulk...."

"Kulk! Kulk! Kulk!"

Wilhelm II was really jealous of the Führer.

He had a smaller mustache than he did.

And unlike him, he didn't have any balls.

But that wasn't all.

He saw hope in the Kaiser, who seemed to be able to unite the Germanic peoples who had been persecuted for thousands of years and fulfill the old man's dream, the German dream.

That the Teutons could conquer Europe, if not the world, if they set their minds to it.

If only he had the chance again....

If only he could dream the German dream again....

If only they could strive for the supremacy and glory of the German Empire....


June 4, 1941.

At the age of 82, the Germanic nationalist who dreamed the German dream died in Doorn, Netherlands, in the Dutch Consulate.

Eighteen days later, on the 22nd.

Nazi Germany breaks the Toxin Pact and launches Operation Barbarossa, pushing the German-Soviet border to the brink.

The Toxin War had begun, with more than 30 million dead on both sides.

"Bam!... I should have died watching this. Bam!"

There was someone watching the old man's death in silence: a crow with a quill in one foot and a mark, the official currency of the German Reich, in the other.

Is the world really turning?

Does the crow speak?


"Your Highness, the Crown Prince. Crown Prince...? Crown Prince! Crown Prince! Crown Prince! Crown Prince!!!"

Off.... What's that sound? Where are you calling me from? Ah! That's right. I'm dead.'

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, wake up. Your Highness?!"

I indirectly killed millions of people in two world wars, so this must be hell, but my welfare policies saved a lot of workers who would have died from being stuck in machines or overworked, so maybe this is heaven?

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince Wilhelm II!!!!"

"Ah! Fuck. Shit!"

"You've finally come to your senses. I was stunned, I thought the emperor had died."

"...Your Highness the Emperor, then.... Father?"

Is this some kind of pre-deceased Jumalight?

I had never really thought much about the death of my father, with whom my mother and I never got along.

Of course, the absence of never seeing someone again is sad, but I want him to be a nice guy.

My grandparents loved me very much, but my parents never gave me a warm look, so maybe it's no wonder.

Still, I'm about to die, and I can't believe I'll be watching my father's funeral with a lantern....

Is God giving me one last chance to give an accounting before I die?

"Father.... The last time I see you before I die.... Huh?"

"What is it, Your Highness, is there something wrong?"

"There are problems, yes. Many."

Slightly embarrassed, I rolled my eyes.

Then a woman next to me raised her head, wondering what was wrong with my appearance.

"I don't know, I defeated Napoleon III, who raped the French Empire to his heart's content. What's wrong?"

"Why, in the bed where my father should be... .... is a girl younger than my granddaughter?"

On the bed where her father's body should have been, a strange young girl, whom she recognized from somewhere, lay pale and with her eyes closed.

Long brown hair like flowing water.

Blue eyes that signaled the superiority of the Teutonic people.

A heavy national medal of honor pinned to the breast of her blue uniform.

The features are so similar that it's tempting to think that this is what my father would look like if he were in bed with TS.

The problem is that my father is older, 56, and he's a typical Teutonic man with a big belly, not a young girl like the one in front of him.

"Hmmm... Where is my father?"

"His Highness, the Crown Prince. What were you talking about before?"

".... What?"

"His Highness the Crown Prince's father is in London, the capital of the British Empire, isn't he? The man who usually looks down on others with such an arrogant, cold expression is somehow mourning at a funeral.... What's wrong with you today?"