Kingdom of Saxony


"Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!"

"All power to the Soviets! All power to the Soviets! All power to the Soviets!"

"For the Germanic peoples! For Lebensraum! For Führer Hitler.... Let us exterminate the Slavs and Jews from the face of the earth!"

"Let us exterminate the Germanic peoples who invade Mother Russia!"

"Long live Nazi Germany! Long live Führer Hitler, attack!"

"Long live the Soviets! Long live Stalin! Charge!"

A mustachioed Fuehrer versus a short Georgian dogcatcher....

A great, brilliant, beautiful and sad piece of history that will never be repeated in the 21st century.

Reincarnated in the TS world, I'm Bismarck in bed, showing off his lascivious body and his fresh-faced wife.

And I was surrounded by my sweet, adorable daughter who was also TS.

I basked in the glory of such a happy time.

In the shadow of the German Reich, the power-sucking worms of the world gathered and began to hatch a devious plan.



Reichstag, German Empire.

Through the tobacco smoke, eight men and women gathered around a large table, discussing something sinister.


A middle-aged man, who looked to be forty-three years old, stubbed out the cigarette he was holding and said.

"...I can't believe that the second emperor of the German Empire is gone so soon.... Well. I guess it's good for us."

The name of the most powerful man in the world, and the one who would say such demeaning things about the deceased, was Ludwig III.

He is the archduke and royal representative of the Kingdom of Bavaria, one of the four kingdoms that make up the German Empire, and the second largest in land and power.

Otto I, the King of the Kingdom of Bavaria, is supposed to be in this position, but she is mentally ill, so all the power and authority in the kingdom is in the hands of Ludwig III.

And because of that?

Ludwig III, who sits in an absolute position within the Kingdom of Bavaria, is untouchable.

Even as Emperor of the German Empire and King of the Kingdom of Prussia.

"Napoleon III, who reigned in the French Empire, was .... and the war heroes of the House of Hohenzollern died in quick succession within a few months of each other."

"Good, very good, and because of those old bastards, not only my kingdom, but several duchies were forced into the shape of the German Empire, damn it!"

At Ludwig III's words, the sixty-year-old man next to him nodded vigorously.

The old man's name was Albert.

He is the king of the Kingdom of Saxony, the third most powerful of the four kingdoms of the German Empire.

Although the Kingdom of Saxony is small, only one-third the size of the Kingdom of Bavaria, it has been riding the wave of industrialization alongside the Kingdom of Prussia for several decades now, and has accumulated tremendous power.

Late 19th century.

The Kingdom of Saxony built large industrial complexes in textiles, engineering, and mining, fostering population growth and urbanization, while an extensive railroad network and transportation infrastructure facilitated the exchange of goods and increased its competitiveness in domestic and international markets.

The Kingdom of Saxony was also known as a center of technological innovation.

Cities such as Dresden and Leipzig, in particular, became centers of industrial and engineering research and educational institutions, contributing to the rise of German imperial power.

How did this work?

With a territory the size of a large duchy, it was able to become one of the four great kingdoms within the German Empire.

Of course, as the saying goes, human greed knows no bounds, and Albert's greed didn't stop there.

"By all means.... Those women were fucking awful. To see the French Empire, which had the strongest army in Europe, literally pushed aside.... Tsk."

"At least the old man has something to say about it, right?"

Albert replied, his eyes glazing over at Ludwig III's words.

"Why are you flirting again?"

"It's our Bavarian kingdom.... Even if we assume that the French Empire got fucking robbed and had to be absorbed into the South German Confederation.... The Kingdom of Saxony has been a rattle for the Kingdom of Prussia since the North German Confederation."

"A rattle?!"

Is he not a king for nothing?

Albert, his pride crushed by the words of the flesh-scratching Louis III, slammed his fist down on the desk in indignation.

Normally, the people around him would have tried to talk him out of it, but this was a time when the slightest stain on honor was settled by duel, and often by death, rather than by law.

It's literally the end of the 19th century, when romance is alive and well.

"It's a rattle, isn't it? There's a country somewhere that wants to cling to a market dominated by the Kingdom of Prussia and has entered into a customs union..."

"Hmm. You'd think the Kingdom of Bavaria would sit back and twiddle their thumbs.... I thought you were in a customs union!!!"

Ludwig III said, shrugging at Albert's words.

Damn it....

I hate that look on his face.

"That's ..... That was before I was even the King's representative."


"But the Kingdom of Saxony's tariff agreement with .... You must have signed it yourself, or you would have watched from the sidelines. The moment when the Kingdom of Saxony became the rattle of the Kingdom of Prussia."



Ludwig III's words left Albert speechless.

For it was true.

The image of his proud grandmother personally signing the customs union papers was so traumatizing that it was seared into the memory of a child less than 10 years old.

But in his defense, he had no choice at the time.

It was the early 19th century, when blacks and yellows were screaming, but white romanticism was alive and well.

The French Empire had risen to European supremacy under Napoleon.

The British Empire, which colonized a quarter of the world with its HMS fleet and gave us countless Independence Days.

The Spanish Empire and Kingdom of Portugal, which still exert influence in South America, where independence fever rages.

The colonial empires, whose favorite pastime was slaughtering black and yellow people, ruled over countless colonies and ate up markets in India, China, Africa, and the Americas.

Of course, the Kingdom of Saxony, with its growing industry and commerce, needed a bigger market.


"My beloved people of Saxony, today our noble land has been elevated from a duchy to a kingdom. From now on, the Kingdom of Saxony will play an even stronger role in the center of Europe.

During Napoleon's conquest of Europe.

The founding monarch of the Grand Duchy of Saxony, now the Kingdom of Saxony.

Frederick Augustus I.

Right now this moment felt like a dream.

Was that the reason?

.... had become a fleeting dream.

"At this moment I declare my union with the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. This decision is not just an alliance, but a strategic choice for our future and prosperity. Through our alliance with the Emperor Napoleon, we will strengthen our position in Europe and ensure our well-being and prosperity."

"Your Majesty, Emperor Napoleon was .... at the Battle of Waterloo."


Napoleon, who had been allied with her, was overthrown by a coalition led by General Blücher of the Kingdom of Prussia.

Congress of Vienna in 1815.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Saxony lost only a small part of its territory and was able to preserve its statehood.

But then Frederick August I had a revelation.

He realized that the only way to overcome the limitations of a small territory was to increase his power through massive industrialization.

The problem is, why are small countries small?

"The Kingdom of Saxony has a population of only 1.5 million people ..... Even if we build a factory, there's no market for it. Tsk."


"There's too much protectionism to sell to the markets of other Germanic peoples, and there's not much profit to be made....Hmm..... What should I do?"


What caught her eye was a tariff agreement spearheaded by the Kingdom of Prussia.

"...The Kingdom of Prussia invited us, the Kingdom of Saxony, to enter into a tariff agreement?"

"Yes, my Queen!"


With the British Empire, the French Empire, the Spanish Empire, and the Kingdom of Portugal holding a tight grip on the world market, the word "tariff agreement" sounded sweet.

The question was, would it have the words "Kingdom of Prussia" and "Austrian Empire" in it?

That's fucking annoying.