대관식 | Coronation

"Twenty years is not enough?"

In typical Prussian fashion, Bismarck is known to keep her emotions in check.

It's been a while since we've seen her this angry.

...Tsk. When you have to use such evil words, my fragile heart is shattered....

Bismarck was evil.

As if my feelings were irrelevant, Bismarck spat out a venomous insult.

"Only twenty years have passed, and even though the German Empire has exploded in this short time,.... it's still not enough."


"In other words, it's not big enough to take on all of Europe - the potential enemies of Great Britain, the French Empire, and the Russian Empire. We, the German Empire, must be able to dominate the world, let alone Europe. ..... We need more troops, more defense spending, more economy, more population.... And we need more time!"


"So what I'm saying is, don't ruin our diplomatic relations with your usual bluster, but work on internal stability and national strength as much as possible. Sincerely, Emperor of the German Empire."


I nodded, impressed by Bismarck's words.

Not because their back slap hurt or because I was afraid.



You may be a TS, but you still have the ability to give a speech that tugs at the heartstrings.... It's not easy for a woman's thin voice to reek of blood and iron like that.

You mean you're an iron and blood merchant?

I replied with a wave of my hand.

"Ewww... Okay, I know."


"Isn't that why you organized a show like this today? I've been trying to take the decentralized German Empire, which has been divided into kingdoms, empires, and little lords since the days of the Holy Roman Empire..... To make it a truly centralized system, I, the supreme power of the Empire .... I, the most dignified man in the world, will do it myself."


"Since you've gone to all this trouble... .... Now put your hands down!"

I don't care if you're the founding father and chancellor of the German Reich, you're not afraid to slap the emperor on the back....


"I apologize for slapping you on the back."


Still, hadn't her loyalty to me been completely erased from her mind?

At my frantic words, she grabbed my trembling hand and pulled it down.


I was alive.


The morning of the coronation of the Emperor, leader of the Aryan people and true master of the German Empire.

It is a beautiful day.

The cloudless sky allowed the warm sun to shine on the magnificent stained glass windows of Sanssouci Palace, giving them a golden glow.

The warmth only touched my nerves.

"Ugh. It's blinding."

"If it's so blinding, do you want me to board up the windows? Kaiser."

Scolded by Bismarck, I hurried out of the Berlin Palace, afraid of another beating.

I descended to Sanssouci Palace, the site of the coronation.

It was a summer palace built in 1747 in a town called Potsdam by Frederick the Great, the hero of the Kingdom of Prussia, and it was here that he inherited the throne of the Kingdom of Prussia and the crown of Emperor of the German Empire for generations.

Of course, my grandmother defeated Napoleon III and was crowned at the Palace of Versailles.

"What, let's go to the window?"

"That's.... If you make the windows thicker, the sunlight won't be blocked and the emperor won't frown."

The ornate Sanssouci Palace.

Gone was the flaky emperor who had been scolded by Bismarck, and in his place was the leader of 700 million Aryans and master of a German empire of 50 million, presiding nobly over his coronation.

Of course, it was more like he took out his anger on others by going on a rampage.

I'm an asshole.

"I'll close the curtains right now."


I shook my head at the girl's words.

My words caused the girl's delicate breasts to bounce and shake.

Usually the other guy is the crazy one.


"You hold a grudge against me."



Drawing the curtains doesn't make you vindictive, does it?

"On my coronation day, when I was crowned Lord of the German Empire. How dare you block the sunshine... ...."


"Ah! I see! I see it now. You're the spy who infiltrated the palace of Constantine with the intention of blackening the future of the German Empire!"


The girl, who looked to be barely 20 years old, shuddered at my words.

Since she couldn't refute me, my assumption was correct.


Why is the girl trembling at my words?

The reason is that the being in front of her is the Emperor of the German Empire, a militarized nation with a military government, a potential superpower on the European continent, and one of the five major powers.

To make matters worse, the German Empire is an absolute monarchy in the guise of a constitutional monarchy.

Even the Junkers, who control the military, have the power to purge with impunity, and a mere peasant girl can be eliminated as easily as twisting the head off a chicken.

Even if they have no reason to.

Knowing this better than anyone else, the girl quickly dropped to her knees and buried her head in her hands.

Of course, it makes no difference to me whether she bows or not.

"I, I didn't mean that... I'm just concerned about the health of His Majesty's eyes..."

"You're not a doctor, you're just a servant... You seem to be very interested in my health, like an assassin checking on me every day to see if I'm about to be poisoned."




As soon as she heard my sophistry, the girl whose survival was in jeopardy bowed low.

This isn't the Middle Ages, and usually when you stoop this low, even the most brutal of monarchs are forgiven, but the problem is that the man in front of me is a blind madman who would start World War I against four of the five major powers (the British Empire, the French Republic, the Russian Empire, and the United States of America).

I shouted with determination to the guards.

"Catch him and lock him up. I have found an assassin who wants to harm me."


"...by order of the legitimate monarch of the German Empire... .... by order of the legitimate monarch of the German Empire."

An ordinary blacksmith's daughter.

This year she entered the Technical University of Mittweida, majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

She works part-time at Sanssouci Palace to pay for her studies.

Moustache leader, Georgian dog, racist bulldog, six-week baguette, gas station pizza, three-term dictator, and bespectacled suicide squad.

"Hahahaha, Your Majesty, I haven't done a good job. Please spare me."

"Huh? Do you know what a cruel monarch I am? You won't die, and even if you did, I wouldn't kill you as casually as I did Gae Baekjeong."


"You'll wish you were dead instead, Kikik."




Does that mean you're going to torture me?


Does it mean you're going to rape me and make a pillow out of a child descended from the Hohenzollern dynasty?

Or does it mean ....

Fuck. What the fuck?

A voluptuous 20-year-old student.

August Horch.

She was dragged out like a dog by the Imperial Guard of the German Reich and locked up in a nearby prison.


I waved my hand and said goodbye to the girl.

The few Junkers and Imperial Lords around me, intuitively aware of my confusion, swallowed dryly.


An indecisive emperor?

An indecisive emperor?

What kind of asshole watched this asshole casually lynch a blue-haired girl?

But no one could have predicted her fate.

Only 32 years later, in 1920.

August Horch would become the ruler not only of the German Reich, but also of the world's largest automobile empire, with 50 percent of the world's automobile market share.

And ....

I really, really didn't know that she would become the adorably cute mistress of King Wilhelm II.

If I had, Victoria would have jumped up, grabbed her by the hair and ripped out her neck and spine.


At the coronation gates.

On that day, I stood in my exalted state and accepted the moment to become Emperor of the German Empire.

Was it because of my noble appearance?

The countless Aryans who stood on the way from the coronation gates to the throne shouted in unison.

"Long live the German Empire! Long live the German Empire!"

"Long live the German Empire! Long live the German Empire!"

"Long live the Kaiser! Long live the House of Hohenzollern!"

"Long live the Germanic people! Long live the German nation!"

"Waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Live forever!!!"
