Purge | чистка

I smiled at Albert, who was still shaking from the blow to his face, shook the briefcase and broke the seal of the black leather wrapped in thread.


Albert screamed, and at the sight of me, he lunged at me.

I can't believe this huge old man is charging at me....

He looks like a wild boar.

The sight of him, red-faced as the devil himself, was a little disconcerting, but I didn't mind.

Because Bismarck, who was on his knees, jumped to his feet and subdued Albert in an instant.

I trusted her!


"Hold still! Albert."

Bismarck lunged at Albert, grabbing him by the hair with one hand to stop him in his tracks.

Then he threw him to the ground and jumped on his back, breaking his arms.

His pride was not completely crushed, however.

"Albert...? Hey, bitch, I'm bigger than you. Why don't you show some respect?"

"Respect... I wonder if you'll continue to hold the throne of Saxony because of an assassin who dared to kill the Emperor of the German Empire…."


As soon as he heard these words, Albert's spirit that had fled returned.

With his neck pressed against Bismarck's knee, Albert's head snapped back to reality as he realized what was happening.

He looked around for help from those who were usually in his favor, but none of them offered a helping hand.

Instead, they turned away and remained silent, as if they didn't want to get involved.



I've done the math, and everyone here knows it.

Helping Albert now is practically the same as asking him to kill me.

That's right.

Albert, the absolute ruler of the Kingdom of Saxony, is a "high criminal" who tried to assassinate me, the current Emperor of the German Empire.

And as has been the case since ancient times, extermination is the only option left for a failed rebel.

"Oh... Fucked."

Albert shuddered at the realization, then shook his head as if he'd lost his mind.

At the same time, I managed to open the damn envelope.

"Mmph.... I finally opened it. How the hell did you wrap it up so tight?"

"I apologize. Your Majesty. I should have thought of your fragile strength and loosened it before..."

"...I'm not that weak...."


"Tsk. That's right. Since you have the ball, I'll let you off this time. So, what's in the papers that makes Albert glow like that?.... Huh?"

As soon as I saw the contents of the document, my body naturally stiffened.

It was a rebellion plot involving the kings of Saxony and Bavaria, several duchies, and the blood of the highest ranking Junkers.

I had simply ordered Bismarck to bring me evidence to purge the Junkers, the fiefdoms, and the imperial family….

Fuck. I thought you would fabricate evidence.

Bring me proof of a real rebellion?



"Yes, His Majesty William II, the rightful monarch of the German Empire."

"Give rooms for the next few days to the Junkers, the Royal Family and the Imperial Households who attended today's coronation, in addition to those listed here."





Even I can't say anything that would openly imprison them.

The royal families and empires of the realms are so closely connected that they are all related to each other, family members, and in-laws, and the Junkers, though arrogant enough to claim the military as their own, are loyal enough to be considered the Hohenzollerns' bodyguards.

"We do the emperor's bidding."

But Bismarck, who is a Junker, who is Imperial, who is of the House of Hohenzollern, who is Nabal, who is Emperor of the German Empire, and who is loyal only to my orders, nodded and replied.

With a snap of her fingers, dozens of guardsmen who had been waiting in the wings jumped forward and gently dragged her away.

No matter how respectful their touch, it would be a humiliation to a blue blood who had ruled over others since birth.

"Your Majesty, you cannot do this to us."

"After all we Junkers have done for the House of Hohenzollern and the German Empire!"

"We Junkers do what Your Majesty barks at, and when he bites, we build."

"Even if it were a Napoleonic year, how is it that after such loyalty the Emperor can only answer with treachery?"

"Do you realize that we joined the German Empire for this purpose, that the House of Hohenzollern is not the only one who rules it?"

"My nephew... I'm not. I am not, so please let me go."

Those who had been stabbed were dragged away screaming by the guards.

Those who had not been stabbed followed the guards in silence.

Of course, their faces were grim as they anticipated the smell of blood that was about to be smelled.


Sanssouci Palace.

Underground prison.

"Hahaha.... What am I going to do? .... I'm not going to die here, am I?"

Working part-time to pay for college.

August Horch, imprisoned in a dungeon because he caught the eye of a madman named Wilhelm II.

She was angry at the injustice of it all.

Just a few hours ago-

"When the party is over, how am I supposed to get all the leftover fancy food home? Ah.... The leftovers from the Junkers and royalty must taste amazing..."

-She was currently in the dungeon, having a bittersweet daydream.

"When will I be executed? Will I be beheaded? Or will my limbs be torn off? What if the firing squad is used and both my parents are executed?"

-she could not help but have depressing and hopeless thoughts.


A strange sound reached her ears.


-Woong Sung Woong Sung

The strange sound was the sound of a blue-blooded lord ruling over everyone else just a few hours ago. ....

It was the sound of yunkers, Fang royalty, and imperial overlords sticking straws in the backs of commoners and sucking on their sides.


Would they ever come to a dank, cold, filthy dungeon?

The German Empire has its share of poverty, though not as much as the French Republic, and commoners sleep in these rooms every day.

The blue-bloods will never understand.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"Turn it off!!! It's not fair!!!"

As he watched them being thrown into the dungeon one by one, the ones who didn't even treat him like a person, August Horch felt an unknown emotion.

Fuck. What is this emotion?

Is it called vicarious satisfaction?

She seemed to lose some of the venom she'd harbored against Wilhelm II.

Commoner, noble, Nabal, all-killing madman, wouldn't it be best to avoid him as much as possible?


The room, which had overflowed with the madness of peoples and nations, was soon filled with silence, except for the people.

I sat down on the throne and enjoyed the coolness of the air and the liveliness of the atmosphere.

I looked down at Bismarck, still on his knees, legs crossed, eyes piercing.


"Yes! Emperor."

"Is what is written in this document really true?

"Yes, sir. With all due respect, it is."

"Tsk. I see these bastards haven't learned their lesson yet. To think that this body, the Emperor of the Empire, thinks of itself as a shogi horse..."


She said it with a wry smile, but I understood.

Haven't we been through this before?

'It's strange that I want anything from them at all.... They're a bunch of greedy bastards who kicked me out of the German Reich as soon as they lost the First World War and then gave everything to the Allies….'

I finally lost it and shouted as I clenched my fists.

"You're a bunch of greedy, vested interest worms who betrayed the Kaiser, your people and your country, and you dare to speak to me?"


"To me, Emperor of the German Empire and leader of the Aryan people! I'll kill you all, I'll kill you all, I'll kill you all, I'll kill you all, I'll kill you all, I'll kill you all! Out!"


...Is this a regression aftereffect?

A little….

I think I've developed an anger management disorder, albeit a very minor one.


I thought so for decades.

After the defeat in the First World War.

Why did the Junkers and their overlords in the German Reich think that….

They didn't. Why did they continue to live in the Weimar Republic, but kick me, their father and monarch, out?

After decades in the log cabin, even in my reincarnation, I kept thinking about it.

And the other day I came to a conclusion.

That the Junkers and the Weimar Republic dared to stab me in the back was because….