Purge | чистка

"Kaaaaaaaah!! Envy. Envy. Envy."


Schleswig looked pitifully at Berry, who blushed at the mention of love.

But really, she didn't know.

Schleswig's cheeks were also flushed with embarrassment.

She pretended not to, but she was a woman made for love stories.


Bismarck and I just slept together, because some of the maids were strangely delusional.

Nothing really happened with her.

Unable to talk quietly in the vast coronation hall, we retired to a quiet, modestly sized office.

There, locked up for the night, I pondered, "How can I make a good purge? How can I get a good erotic angle?

...Of course, there were some dangerous moments along the way.

But we had to stay the course.

The beauty and body of TS Bismarck makes my heart beat like crazy and my body heat up, but she is the one who saw not only me but also my mother's birth.

You have to respect an elder who has dedicated his life to the German Empire.

It's not like you can just eat her because you like her.


A man and a woman wake up in the Oval Office.

They have been shouting at each other in their dizzying delusions.

Two people breathing a sigh of relief when they see each other's clothes, slightly bruised but still on.

A man and a woman who feel a little embarrassed and uncomfortable about their strictly military relationship.

A man and a woman who have cleaned each other up and are together again.

After a night of subtle disruptions to their relationship, they decide to start something.

What do you think?

A cleanse, of course.

"The princes of the realm may have been dismembered by their grandmothers to consolidate the power of the Hohenzollerns in the hands of the emperor, but there's a difference between a junker and an imperial monarch."

"Because the Junkers control the Prussian army, and the Imperial Lords have their own armies."

"That's what I'm saying."

I roughly threw the papers I was holding onto the table beside me.

Why would I so casually throw away the crucial evidence that would lead to the purge of the Junkers, the Fang Clan, and the Imperials who had once betrayed me….

Instead of the scent of rebellion breathing down my neck, the papers contained a rather vague proposal for a state-sponsored agricultural campaign with an indecisive emperor as a puppet.

Of course, even the idea of using me as a puppet was treasonous.

If it were a democracy like the Weimar Republic, you could hang them all for treason, but the German Reich is clearly a feudal state in the guise of a constitutional monarchy.

"That's not exactly strong evidence to neutralize the network of Junkers and imperial monarchs that stretches across Europe."

"Yes. Weak is too weak. You could have gone to the [Meeting of the Eight] that practically runs the German Empire and told them....that your efforts to uncover their plots and really screw them over were in vain."

At my words, Bismarck let out a rare curse.

"Fucking.... You have no backbone."

"I mean, I drew my sword to kill them all…. If I don't use that sword properly-"

"The Junkers and the Imperial Monarchs will look down on you, and maybe even the Fang Clan royalty who have been holding their breath will bow to your authority."

"If that happens, the imperial power and authority of the House of Hohenzollern that my grandmother and mother built will crumble."


That wasn't the only problem.

"What's more, you've heard that the provinces are making strange moves?"

"The Huang family is imprisoning the Junkers and the Imperial Lords…. The behavior of not only the provincial forces but also the border guards is alarming. In a few days, the news will probably reach the Austro-Hungarian Empire.... I fear the Habsburgs will intervene."

"Uh-huh.... And the Royal Prussian Army?"

"The Royal Prussian Army has always served the Emperor, so even if the local troops turn their spears against us, they will be active in suppressing the rebellion. The problem is..."

"The problem is?"

"Junker, who practically runs the Prussian Kingdom Army. I mean, with all the generals imprisoned, we have to move the army without a head... Even if we can easily trample the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army, the Imperial Army is the problem."



It's not just the military.

The influence of the Junkers in the Kingdom of Prussia extends to foreign affairs, politics, finance, law, economics, society, and culture.

"Although.... it makes no sense to exclude the influence of the Junkers, the aristocracy, in a country with a caste system."

"Kaiser. With all due respect, .... purging all the Junkers would probably bring down the entire German Empire."

"I'm aware of that. I don't need to purge them, and I don't have the power to do so."

The truth is that the influence of the Junkers is anything but "enormous".

It's no exaggeration to say that they were responsible for both the backbone and the head of the German Reich.

For example, if a Bismarck is removed from office, the German Empire's diplomatic relations with the Great Powers are ruined.

Bismarck is the link between the German Empire and the great powers, and suddenly it's gone?

It would be like the Eiffel Tower itself collapsing because one of the reinforcing beams underneath it was pulled out and sold.

"Perhaps Her Majesty would like to put a leash on the Junkers."

"You're right. Jim wants to sit on top of the Reich and wield power.... I certainly don't want to live a life torn between the commoners and the Junkers."


"Like Franz Josef I next door, whose blood runs through his veins because of his ethnicity."

Bismarck nodded at my comment.

"Then why don't we just cleanse them one by one?"

"One by one?"

"Yes. Following the example of some of the Imperial Monarchs and some of the high-ranking Junkers listed in the Group of Eight, more or less..."

"That would reduce the influence of the military in the Kingdom of Prussia, all right, let's do that."

"...What, right here?"


At Bismarck's advice to take your time with the purges, I nodded and immediately agreed.

I was just waiting for the right moment.

I was waiting for the beautiful moment when someone would stop me and force me to use the knife.

After all, most Junkers are very competent militarily.

The problem is ....

Are they all incompetent outside the military?

No matter how much the German Reich was run by the military, it was never going to run well with soldiers in charge of the administration and the economy.

The military isn't even the most elite group in the Reich, so there are plenty of alternatives.

"Bismarck, then."

"Yes. Kaiser."

"Bring me Helmuth von Moltke from the dungeons."



For the time being, Junker has decided that only incompetent high-ranking worms will be selected.

The problem was the Imperial States....

Aside from the four kingdoms of the German Empire, the overall power of the Empire is modest.

If you divide the power of the German Empire by the proportion of the four kingdoms, you get....

The Kingdom of Prussia, which covered 65% of the land area, had 60% of the power.

The Kingdom of Saxony, with only 3% of the land area but 10% of the population, had 10% of the power.

The Kingdom of Bavaria, with 14% of the land area and 15% of the population.

Several duchies, including the remaining Kingdom of Württemberg, remained at 15%.

"I can't believe my own Kingdom of Prussia is only at 60%...."

"I did some research and was surprised to find that the great German Empire, barely unified, was so fragmented.... Still, as they say, time is medicine, and one day we will be unified..."

I cut the ever-positive Bismarck off.

"Tsk. That's why the German Empire lost World War I. If the military, finances, and laws had been unified, the Schlieffen Plan could have succeeded..."

"What? The Schlieffen Plan...."

"No. You don't need to know. Anyway, you're saying that the Council of Eight includes two of the four major kingdoms?"

Bismarck nodded at my words.

"Yes. Archduke Ludwig III, the representative of the Kingdom of Bavaria, and Albert, the King of Saxony, were directly involved in the Group of Eight."

"And the rest of the empire?"

"Unfortunately, the rest of the empire is not big enough to fit in here."