Austro-Hungarian Empire

Ottoman Empire in the South

1526, defeated the Kingdom of Hungary at the Battle of Mohács.

1621, defeat of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the Battle of Lech.

1529, First Siege of Vienna.

1683, Second Siege of Vienna, defeating the Austrian Empire.

1687, Defeated the Russian Empire in the Russo-Turkish War.

The pride of Islam terrorized Europe, claiming vast territory across three continents, spanning Europe, Asia, and Africa.

It is now called the sick man of Europe, but it still dominates the Balkans.

"The Ottoman sword frightens Europe. The majesty of the Ottomans overwhelms Europe. (سيف العثمانين يخيف أوروبا. هيبة العثمانين تطغى على أوروبا.)"


June 20, 1888.

Capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.



-Woong Sung Woong Sung


God put the empire in a weird spot.

There are powers everywhere.

Not just any powers, but powers that once held the hegemony of a continent, shaped the course of an age.

'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What am I going to do? How am I going to.... Can I revive the Habsburgs?'

Franz Josef I is keeping himself awake at night worrying about the future.

The nobility of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on the other hand, were far more carefree.

They didn't care about the future because they could leave it to their children and their children's children, and they were confident in the here and now.

The power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which dominated central Europe.


-Woong Sung Woong Sung

On this particular day, the clamor of the nobles was getting to Franz Joseph I's ears.

Finally, he had enough and shouted.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"...Yes.... I'll shut up for now, but.... You should see this."


"Two things.... One is an express report from a spy infiltrating the German Empire, and the other is.... from the Empress, Elisabeth von Wittelsbach."


Franz Josef I's expression hardened instantly at his servant's words.

He would....

A conservative traditionalist, he and his liberal idealist wife were at odds.

In fact, it's not just bad, it's so bad that he's separated from her, leaving her free in Europe.

Writing a letter to such a wife shows that you never know how the world will turn out.

Franz Joseph I carefully opened the letter.

As soon as he saw what was written inside, his face turned grim.



"What did it say that made you look so bad?"

"Shut up."




"Damn. Strange timing, I guess this is true.... Hey. Get me that report from the German Reich Spy."



A dark look.

Realizing from those two things alone that the emperor was in a very bad mood, the servant hurried to fetch the report and give it to him.

Franz Josef I looked over the report with trembling hands and squeezed his eyes shut.

He cursed the fool with a low voice.

"Crazy asshole.... How dare you imprison a high-ranking Junker, an Imperial Monarch, and a member of the Imperial Family on Coronation Day, when everyone's guard was down anyway...."


"Gather all the assholes with military power right now: the Commander-in-Chief, the Inspector General of the Army, the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces, the Minister of Imperial and Royal Warfare, the General of the Army, the Chief of Staff.... And who knows what else.... Anyway, bring them all in."

"Yes, yes!"

Shinha hadn't seen him in a long time.

Franz Josef I, who had calmly handled the day's paperwork in the wake of Crown Prince Rudolf's suicide, was flustered.

"And send an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the German Empire. Send him on my private train! Before any of the eight assholes point their spears at the Kingdom of Bavaria!"

"By order of Franz Josef I, the rightful monarch of the Austro-Hungarian Empire."


The next day, June 21, 1888.

The border between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German Empire.

-Woong Sung Woong Sung

-Wong Sung Woong

Under the same Germanic values, the normally quiet northern border became noisy today.

The Southern Border Guard, which had been guarding the border with the Ottoman Empire, was massively reinforced on the northern border.

A whopping five corps.

A total of 20 divisions (200,000 men) were slowly assembled on the northern border.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was not as advanced as the German Empire, and did not have a tight rail network, so only one division was deployed to the northern frontier….

For the German Empire, which was in the midst of a civil war, this was an act of tremendous tension.

In the name of the Holy Roman Empire, one of the world's five major powers was able to intervene in a civil war.


When the Austro-Hungarian Empire sent spearmen to the Hohenzollerns to defend the Kingdom of Bavaria.

The Saxony-Prussia border was also in turmoil.

An army of rebels led by the Great Moltke.

The Saxons were stunned to see the Prussian five legions of war machines in person.

"Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. That one-armed asshole is actually trying to do it.... He wants to wipe out our kingdom of Saxony?!!"

The middle-aged man shuddered as he looked at the elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Prussia who seemed to be pushing down the border at any moment.

The middle-aged man's name is….

Friedrich August Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Maximilian Karl Maria Nepomuk Baptist Xaver Cyriacus Romanus.

The younger brother and successor of Albert, King of the Kingdom of Saxony.

Why is his brother the heir?

Albert was married to Princess Karola Abbaasa, granddaughter of King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden and daughter of Duke Gustav Abbaasa, but....

Unfortunately, they had no children, so Georg was the natural heir.


June 18, 1888.

Zwinger Palace in Dresden.

Georg as heir to the Kingdom of Saxony.

He was at the palace when he heard that his brother had attended the coronation and had carried out an assassination attempt against the Kaiser of the German Empire.

"W, what? brother is Wilhelm II.... he tried to assassinate that eight-armed asshole?"

"Yes.... Because of that, all the high-ranking Junkers, Imperial Monarchs, and even the Fang Clan royalty who attended the coronation were locked up in the dungeons of the Constant City Palace."

"FUCK!!! Move the 12th and 19th Legions in the direction of the Prussian-Saxon Kingdom border right now!"

Georg instinctively realized that a life alarm was sounding.

He called up the 12th and 19th Corps, which were stationed on the Austro-Hungarian border and in the Kingdom of Saxony.

"Legions? No!"


"The central administration will be suspicious if we move the Sasarawi Army against the Kingdom of Saxony alone when there is no war with foreign countries."

"Suspicion be damned. How do we know they haven't already killed us and sent in the rebellion suppression forces?!"


"We need to hold onto the military. Only then can we survive and shake things up."

The Kingdom of Saxony was friendly with the militaristic Kingdom of Prussia.

Is that why?

He knew their habits better than anyone.

He knew better than anyone that if things went wrong, he would suddenly take on the persona of Alexander the Great and cut out the kinks with guns and cannons.

'Do you think this eight-year-old, almost-assassinated idiot will save our kingdom of Saxony? One hundred percent, given the savagery of the Hohenzollerns. They'll use this as an opportunity to annex Saxony and tear me to pieces.

Fortunately, Georg's prediction was correct.

Trouble was brewing elsewhere.


June 19, 1888.

High Command of the Kingdom of Saxony.

"Archduke Georg has given orders to move our corps toward the Prussian frontier?"


"...Very well, for now. You go to your barracks and get some rest."


As soon as Georg's messenger left, the two old men looked at each other.

On their chests were pinned an enormous amount of medals that seemed to weigh them down.

The two old men were-

Robert von der Goltz, corps commander and infantry captain of the 12th Legion.

"Hmm…. Why would the Archduke call us?"

Erwin Waldeck-Lichtenauer, Legionnaire and Cavalry Captain of the 19th Legion.

"What could it be? A rebellion, of course."