Prussian-Saxon War

Kingdom of Prussia - Kingdom of Saxony border.

The space that was usually hot with competition, trade and commerce within the framework of the German Empire was cold with a sense of loneliness.

But it was also hot.

Was it because the two kingdoms were pointing their swords at each other?

"Iron and blood! Iron and blood! Iron and blood! Iron and blood!"

"Iron and blood! Iron and blood! Iron and blood! Iron and blood! Iron and blood!"

"Death to the enemies who have harmed the Emperor! Victory for the Kingdom of Prussia! Unity of the German Empire!"

Five legions (100,000 men) were sent by the Kingdom of Prussia to suppress the rebellion.

They loved the smell of blood and gunpowder so much that they couldn't pass up the opportunity.

To make matters worse, the Emperor himself had given them the reins and ordered them to brutalize the enemy who had tried to assassinate him.

The Junker, loyal to the House of Hohenzollern for generations, was bound to obey orders.


Naturally, the duchy became the property of the Kingdom of Prussia.



The pride of the Kingdom of Prussia, an artillery division that had ravaged the lands of the Austrian Empire and even the French Empire.

With nearly twice the firepower of the other great powers, the sound of a single cannonball echoed across the battlefield.



Everyone was speechless at the sound that signaled the beginning of the war.

Especially the next rulers of the defeated Kingdom of Saxony, George and Robert of the 12th Legion.

"Crazy! You idiot! By sending five legions, I didn't mean to pressure us.... I wanted to kill them all!"


Georg cursed to his heart's content at the Eight Assholes, who were probably smiling evilly in their Berlin palace.

But as a soldier and commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Saxony in this [Prussian-Saxon War], Robert the Twelfth had no time for that.

For already three Prussian corps were advancing with Gewehr 71 ceremonial weapons.

"Long live the German Empire! Long live the emperor! Charge!"

"Long live the German Reich! Long live the Kaiser! Charge!"

"Long live the German Reich! Long live the Kaiser! Charge!"





"This battle will be fierce, perhaps the last of the Kingdom of Saxony..."

Looking at the troops of the Prussian Kingdom that seemed to be about to invade, Georg, who was standing next to Robert the Twelfth as he hurriedly reorganized his troops, said with a grim expression on his face.

"Uh... Robert?"

"What is it, Archduke George, and with the war machines of the Kingdom of Prussia approaching, why don't you go to the rear for now?"

"Not that... What is all this field artillery?"

"Artillery? There's no such thing as a lot of artillery.... Huh?"

That day, Georg and Robert, the commanders of the 12th Army Corps, could see it.

Hundreds of artillery pieces aimed at the Saxon positions.


...a firepower doctrine more terrifying than the Banzai charge?



-Kwagga River

-Kwagga River

-Kwagga River

-Kwagga River






"What the fuck kind of firepower is that?!"

"Fuck!! this is the weather of the Kingdom of Prussia, a war machine?"

Caliber: 9 cm/3.54331 inch(actually 8.8 cm/3.46457 inch)

Total barrel length: 2.14 meters/84.252inch

Weight: 850 kg/1873.93pound

Range: up to 6,500 meters/255905.512inch

Rate of fire: 2 rounds per minute

The 9 cm C/73 howitzer was used by the Kingdom of Prussia and the German Empire from 1873.

Rising from the corpses of the Napoleonic Wars and the French Empire, the fragile Kingdom of Saxony fell like a leaf in the wind as the high-powered cannon breathed fire.

-Bang, bang, bang

-Bang, bang, bang, bang

-Bang, bang, bang, bang






After 15 years of production, the C/73 9-centimeter gun was discontinued three years later in 1891.

With the support of the military, a much more powerful artillery piece was developed by the Krupp company.

So the Kingdom of Prussia scraped together all the shells it had in stock.

Even today, huge quantities of shells are delivered by rail.

Hundreds of shells were fired every minute, and a young man in the Saxon army had his limbs blown off.

His once living, breathing body is torn to shreds by shrapnel.

Shrapnel splattered the ground, pools of blood gathered and hardened.

The proud son of her parents, the beloved husband, the cold corpse of her husband, the brother and sister who had always been by her side, the life of her brother and sister-in-law turned to dust.

Watching the scene, an old man spoke softly.

"So it's a C/73 9cm cannon. What a firepower."


The 19th century, when the romance of war was still more alive than the reality of blossoming over death.

The Great Moltke smiled as he gazed upon this beautiful scene.

Ernst von der Burg, watching from the sidelines, rubbed his hands together and shook his head in approval.

Ernst von der Burg, watching from the sidelines, rubbed his hands together in flattery.

He was supposed to be leading the Second Corps, trying to exploit the gaps in the Kingdom of Saxony...

Do you know?

Maybe he'd taken revenge for his imprisonment in the dungeons and switched his spear to Saxony?

"T,that is to say. It is indeed a field artillery made by Friedrich Krupp AG. For a bunch of barbaric commoners, they sure know how to make a good weapon."

"Uh-huh... They are merchants of death, laboriously making weapons for the emperor and the military. Even though they are commoners and not of the noble class, you shouldn't speak ill of them."

"Ah... I was being rude."

"So they can develop weapons that make slaughtering their enemies easier and more profitable."


The Great Moltke, so nonchalant about slaughtering.

At his words, Ernst von der Burg lost control of his expression for a moment.


I feel like shit.

"Whoo-hoo. Maybe not in my lifetime, but... I always long for it. For a meccapolis of millions to disappear without a trace with a single shell.... a weapon of human destruction."


"Then we, the Kingdom of Prussia and the German Empire, will be able to rule the world. Heh heh.... What a beautiful sight it would be.


'You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! You played the human lily in the Franco-Prussian War.... You still haven't gotten over that habit!!!'

August 16 - August 18, 1870.

Battle of Mars-la-Tour.

Battle of Gravelotte.

September 1, 1870.

Battle of Sudan.

In these three battles, the great Moltke and the Prussian army literally ground 20,000 Progs to a pulp, beat 50,000 full-grown men beyond recovery, and took 80,000 prisoners.

His humanity, bordering on insanity, may have sucked, but his skill was among the finest the world had ever seen.

"After all, a soldier is only good at killing people. What do you think?"

"I think so too."

"You're just like the guy I took out of the dungeon.... You're just like me."

'You're being ridiculous. An inspirational asshole should compare people.... I'll never be a warmonger like you.'

But the future is unknown.

Who knew that a one-eyed leader would become a warmonger of the highest order, mowing down tens of millions of people?


-Bang, bang, bang



-Bang, bang, bang, bang

Rebel forces are advancing on the Kingdom of Saxony.

The Kingdom of Prussia has scraped together all of its mobile artillery.

Five legions combined could only muster a few hundred 9-cm C/73 cannons.

But with the Kaiser's support and Bismarck's cooperation, the suppressors of the rebellion were able to unleash a staggering firepower of several hundred rounds per minute, and the Saxon troops, lacking élan vital, could not come to their senses.


"Battalion commander! The artillery is overloaded."



"Hmm... I'll call the corps commander."

When the field guns of a few hundred men had become so hot that they could not fire any more shells.

The great Moltke moved his troops in earnest.

"The 4th Corps will guard the rear and act as a reserve, while the rest of the 5th, 6th and 11th Corps will advance in scattered formations!"

"Take orders from the commander-in-chief of the rebel army."

"I take my orders from the commander-in-chief of the rebellion."





At the Great Moltke's command, the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 11th legions saluted and returned to their posts.

The Great Moltke caught the scent of the bloodshed that was about to begin.

As he turned to leave, he paused and stroked his chin, lost in thought.

"Come to think of it... Did the Second Legion have a good meeting with Ervin the 19th?"