4B Policy

[German Empire-Russian Empire Secret Agreement].


1. support the Russian Empire's invasion of Persia.

2. support the annexation of the Netherlands by the German Empire.


Was it because the very belligerent Kaiser of the German Empire and the Tsar of the Russian Empire were negotiating?

In an instant, the fate of small countries was decided by two superpowers.


"Hoo-hoo! The British are so freaked out, their favorite Low Countries are falling into the arms of the German Empire. I must see the British look on, dumbfounded."


The Tsar of the Russian Empire laughed heartily as he read the secret agreement.

Wilhelm II laughed, too.


'How could I, the most superior Aryan, laugh less macho than those barbarian Slavs!'


"Kahahaha!!! I don't think I'm in a position to comment. If we only eat Persia, isn't the northern part of the Indian Empire, which the British Empire considers second in importance to the mainland, within the Russian Empire's reach, and it's nice to see the frowns on the faces of the British Empire's bastards as we can NTL the Indian Empire while still exerting our influence in the Middle East. khahahaha!!"


"Hahahahaha!!! The Kaiser of the German Empire is a pompous ass!!!"


"Poohahaha!!! So is the Tsar of the Russian Empire!!!"






As the duel of macho, brain-pickled males was taking place on one side, the atmosphere on the other side was just as murderous.


"You little sissy who looks like she's going to make out with a man in bed, look away."


This year, the verbal sparring between an 8-year-old girl and a 22-year-old man was childish.

To a kid as young as 14, the slander was nothing.


"Titties, titties, titties, titties, look away."


"...I'm only 8 years old, so it's just a little thing, and you want to get your life ruined by the Child and Youth Protection Act?! Who are you to talk to a lady like that?"


"Hoot! If you want to ruin the life of the first heir to the Russian Empire, you'll have to ruin the Russian Empire first. And if I could see the future, kid, I'd say your body has a 0% chance of growing up."


"...How do you know that?!"


Helm said, looking at Nikki with a quizzical expression.

A bad premonition flashed through her mind.

Coming from such a beautiful woman who looked like she could kick a woman's ass, it seemed like a possibility.


"The girls I've been lusting after since I was a kid always grew up to be hot and sexy. I'm a genius at overgrowing and eating trash like this, so you're a.... Ugh! Let's not talk!"


"What?! Why are you talking! Are you some kind of a douchebag who spreads his legs for any girl?!"


"Asshole?! Do you want to get fucked?!"


"Want to get fucked? Is this a declaration of war by the Russian Empire against the German Empire?"




At Helm's last words, Nikki bowed her head in defeat.

Helm smirked in amusement at the sight.


"Hehe, I win."


"...Are you glad you won?"


"Yeah! It feels fucking good to win."


"Tsk. She's not just a girl, she's an imperial girl, why is her mouth so loose? Is my father really going to give me this crazy bitch?"


"What the hell~?!"




There were two figures who were calmly, happily watching the two men and women fight: their biological fathers, the Kaiser of the German Empire and the Tsar of the Russian Empire.


Both the House of Hohenzollern and the House of Romanov are looking forward to the union of the two men.

The noble being born of the union of the first heir to the German Empire and the first heir to the Russian Empire could lead a German-Russian alliance.


In a normal democracy, the rightful ruler of the empire would be told to go fuck himself, but in two absolute monarchies, nothing is impossible.

If the commoners are unhappy, why not just crush them with an army?


"Ah! By the way, Tsar. I heard that Nikki, the crown prince of the Russian Empire, is visiting the Japanese Empire, is that true? If they've been getting along so well since we first met today, why don't we bundle them up and send them on a trip to a Japanese hot spring?"


"Ah! In-laws.... No, Kaiser, how did you get that information? Ohrana has gone to great lengths to hide it."


"Hoo-hoo! Our intelligence is the best in the world, and there's not a man in the world who wouldn't fall for it."


"Even if Ohrana, who brainwashed me for life-"


"In that case, you might want to consider whether you're running out of money.^^"




That look in Wilhelm's eyes....

I feel like shit.




#. the tsar's point of view


Upon his return to St. Petersburg, Tsar Alexander III of the Russian Empire decided to give Ohrana a try and then began to consider Wilhelm II's proposal that he would like his daughter to accompany Nikki on her visit to Japan.


He thought for a while and said yes.

After all, if his 22-year-old son could woo a beautiful girl 14 years younger than him, it would be fine, and if he couldn't, it wouldn't hurt his son's chances of inheriting the Russian Empire.


...or is it?

To be called a pedophile and ridiculed?


Tsk. I don't know. It's my life, so I'll live it.

Considering the number of women I've had in my room, I don't think the bottom is a problem.


'The real problem is up top. Just think of all the hair loss that's been passed down through the generations!'


Unlike Wilhelm II, Aleksandr III seems to have a bad relationship with his wife, but that doesn't really matter to us.

What are they going to do?

They're not going to run off to Europe like the last great emperor and cosplay as carpenters in a Dutch shipyard, are they?




"The territorial issue seems to be more or less settled. Let's see if we, the Russian Empire, can get paid for lifting the German Empire's hand in the Dutch East Indies talks."


"Huh, sure."


At the Tsar's words, Wilhelm II stroked his mustache and unrolled the papers he had brought with him.

It bore the signature of the Kaiser of the German Empire, the Kaiser of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the signature of Abdülhamit II, the 99th Caliph of Islam and 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

The signature of the Ottoman Empire, which had a shitty relationship with the Russian Empire.


"Oh! This is the-"


"This is the 3B policy that we, the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, have decided upon as a counterweight to the 3C policy of Great Britain. Oh, and now that the Russian Empire is joining in, it will be Policy 4B."


The 4B policy was to connect four cities starting with B by railroad to integrate markets and gain economic benefits.

And for the German Empire, which had overwhelming industrial power and industrial strength compared to the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, it would be a huge market.

It has a market potential comparable to that of the British Empire, and perhaps even to that of the Indian Empire, which the British Empire is obsessed with.


Berlin, the capital of the German Empire, is the economic center of Central Europe, home to the mechanical, steel, chemical, and electrical industries, as well as an explosion of finance and trade.

Byzantium, a center of trade between East and West since ancient times, serving as the gateway to the Black Sea

Baghdad, the center of the oil industry that would explode along with the automotive, electrical, and chemical industries


Finally, Volgograd, which entered with the communion of the Russian Empire.

Located on important trade routes for timber, grain, cotton, cast iron, fish, salt, and linseed oil, the first railroad line was laid to Moscow in 1871, allowing for efficient distribution throughout the Russian Empire.


Apparently, the Russians used their own standardized railroad tracks rather than European standardized tracks in preparation for war, so the market was cut off via land.

This was a great loss for the German Empire, which bordered the Russian Empire.


"But the railroads within the 4B policy up to Volgograd will use standard gauge, which will open up a vast market of more than 100 million people."


"The cheap grain, meat, timber, and ores of our Russian Empire will be exported to the German Empire of 50 million inhabitants, and the superior manufactured goods of the German Empire will be imported into our Russian Empire. Isn't that the way it should be, hahaha!"


Wilhelm II and Alexandro III laughed heartily.

The problem was that the world's most powerful nation, Great Britain, was not going to sit idly by while the German and Russian empires dominated West Asia.


How else would the British Empire have succeeded so far?

It got where it is by trampling on the lesser of two evils, working with the better of two evils, and stabbing the backs of those it fought with.

The British Empire would never let go of their hegemony.


On top of that, the relationship between the two empires is a bit delicate.


The Russian Empire, which has a penchant for watching its territory grow on the map, has interests in the Balkans and the Middle East, while the German Empire is ready to stab the Aryans in the back to unify them.