

Alp, after a few minutes of continuously attacking the door of the barn, successfully managed to break it off the rollers and sent it crashing to the floor of the barn, kicking up large amounts of dust and noise that echoed throughout the barn.

"Finally! I'm coming for you, redhead!" roared Alp. He stomped on the door while walking in, making his steps seem heavier and more powerful than usual.

Alright, I can handle this. I just need to wait for an opportunity. When something arrives, I can decide what to do then, whether it be run away and never go to school or knock out Alp. 

Along the edges of the building, Klay was slinking about with the darkness as cover, hiding behind the small barn walls and structural pillars. As silently as his legs could handle, Klay stayed low to the ground and on high alert.

"Don't just hide! Come at me like you did before! Can't you heal?! Just heal so I can beat your scrawny ass again and again!" 

I have no doubt you could, you damn giant.


One of the sheets of metal that made up the outer wall tapped against another and created a sound that cut through the night in the barn. Like some sort of monster, Alp burst towards the place the noise came from, far faster than Klay could get away from being to the side of the same place.

With his fist clenched tight, Alp slammed down onto the ground. His eyes caught Klay's, and a glare of pure anger shone through.

"There you are." Alp's words sent a shiver of fear through Klay. He quickly bounced up into a standing position and, ignoring the pain in his body, sprinted away.

"Stop running!" Alp called out as he grabbed the back of Klay's shirt and yanked it to the side.

"Shit!" Klay yelled out before his body crashed into the wall of the barn. He coughed as the air was knocked out of him while pushing through and running towards Alp.

I'm too tired to manage getting away from him fast enough, so I need to get around him instead.

Sending a punch out in a feint, Klay pulled away as Alp was reacting and crouched under his arm, getting behind him. Striking twice, he quickly punched into Alp's back before planting his foot on his back and pushing off of him as he ran to the other side of the barn, where the door was open.

Having gotten only a few steps away, his body rattled as a punch landed like a cannon on his side. The force of Alp's punch threw Klay to the side and into one of the inner walls of the barn, crashing the rusty gate open.

"Gah!" Klay's body was racked with pain. His ribs had been beaten heavily, and his fists were bleeding at the knuckles continuously. After having been sent flying through the gate, his left arm was left with a large cut along his forearm from the loose metal. Klay's arm was rapidly filled with a pain not unlike fire, and he could not help but yell out.

A few steps away, Alp looked down at Klay without mercy. "Aww, is the redhead okay?" He mocked him, and Klay couldn't resist glaring at him hatefully. "Little shit," Alp stared back, walking up as he lifted his leg to kick at Klay.

As his leg came down, Klay's body rapidly twisted and his right arm blasted out, sending a wave of force through Alp as Klay hit him directly in the eye. Alp reached up to hold his now injured eye, swinging his arm around rapidly to hopefully hit Klay but missing completely.


This is the best opportunity to knock him out! Before, my body had moved based on the Contortion ability and I just used Strike when I saw the chance. He has a blindspot now though, so if I don't make any mistakes I can knock his fat ass out and get a ton of Exp!

Letting his anger fight off the waves of pain, Klay reached up and grabbed two handfuls of Alp's hair and jumped. Using the handles he had, he forcefully guided his knee up to hit Alp's eye a second time.



At almost the exact same time, both Klay and Alp's attacks had hit the other. Alp, having swung his fist into the side of Klay in midair, cried out as his eye was brutally targeted once more. Klay practically yelped as his already damaged ribs seemed to break more, and he was sent flying off to the side, away from the giant.

"You damn- I'm gonna kill you! Redheaded bastard! I-" Alp's aggressive and utterly furious threats were cut short as sirens came alive in the distance. He looked out the open door and saw the patrol cars coming down the dirt road towards the barn. "Damn it!"

Deciding on keeping himself safe, Alp started running, disappearing into the night as he left the premises. 

Klay slowly sat up, his body screaming at him to stop. 

I need to leave too, I don't want anyone to see that I have this power. I don't even know what Alp thinks about it, but it's not good. 

He pushed himself off the dirty floor and stumbled over to one of the openings in the wall. Letting Contortion take over, he got through with minimal effort and maximum pain, before running out towards the fields.

Some time later, Klay sat down in the large field, catching his breath. 

My ribcage feels completely shattered. I can barely breathe. This is horrible. I'm so damn tired.

Once he felt that he wasn't panting anymore, Klay pushed himself back up, groaning as he turned to go towards Southern Roseland. Once he stood up, Klay immediately fell forward into the plants around him, passed out.


"Hey kid! Ar'ya alive?" A round, older man in a set of overalls looked down at Klay, poking him in the side with his foot.

Klay slowly opened his eyes. He was quickly blinded by the sun hitting his vision and turned his head, using the old man to block it slightly. "What… what's going on?" He asked, pushing himself off the ground painfully.

"I was workin' in my field and saw a body layin' there, so naturally I went to check if ya was actually dead before I called the sirens," the old man answered Klay's question as best he could. He also handed Klay a bottle of water, letting him wake up fully. "How'd ya even fall asleep this far out anyways?"

Let's see… I had to fight a bunch of bullies to try and save my friend who I thought was being beaten up or something, then got my ass kicked by that fatass Alp before we both left to not get arrested.

"I… don't remember, not really." Klay lied, handing back the water as a few transparent screens popped into his view, which he cleared away to deal with later. 

"If ya can't remember nothin', you might've a head injury or somethin'. Come on, ya can relax over at my house until ya feel better. In fact, I've got a son about the same age as ya that ya' might wanna say hi to." Klay just nodded along as the man led him through the field, talking about his son. Behind him, Klay was moving significantly slower than usual and walking with a slight limp, while holding his sides.

His arm had closed up, but a large gash was clear to see on his arm that had scabbed over. Klay's hands were fully healed, but, along with his clothes, were dirtied with dried blood.

After a few minutes of walking in the sun, the two arrived at a moderately sized house on the edge of the field. "Justa sec, let me tell my wife and son that ya're gonna be resting here for a bit." The old man told Klay this before heading inside, returning after a minute with a matronly woman that smiled and held her hand out for Klay to shake.

"Well hi there! I was just shocked when Richie here came up to me and told me he found someone sleepin' in the field! I sure hope you're feeling alright, sweetie! I'm Janette, you can just call me Mrs. Lorde!"