An Overdue Search

After that night where I had the threesome with Mara and Amber, I found myself waking up in bed with both women laying at my sides, all of us completely naked.

That was definitely a nice way to wake up I suppose.

The only problem was the fact that I was stuck in between them with no way to get out of bed without waking them…

At least I could reach my Codex so I took that off the bedside table to strap it on my wrist.

Since I was stuck here, I decided I could just do some surfing on the GalaNet to see what I could find there, maybe look up some of the stuff that I have been trying to find out so far ever since I got here.

Alright… So let's just go through the things on my list here…

Ah yes, the limitations of personal shields.

Let's just type that into the search bar and see what the GalaNet has about this…

Huh… So apparently the shield activates when it detects something like a projectile that has been launched towards the user and would then cover the person to protect them from it. There's many different kinds of shields with the most common one basically absorbing energy based bullets and deflecting away kinetic ones.

That particular type is good at defending against kinetic based attacks but would take extra damage from energy based weapons.

My type seemed to be the one that burns away kinetic type attacks and dispels energy based attacks, which makes it effective in blocking energy based projectiles but would deplete quite quickly if faced against kinetic projectiles.

I guess I should look out for anyone using ballistic weapons in that case…

I also found out that most shields do not block a punch to the face but they would be able to deflect away a stab from a knife for some reason.

There are, of course, shields out there that would protect the user from that but the more common ones do not do that.

When I searched up the kinds of shields there were in existence, I was quite flooded with the amount of choices there were in the market.

They had different kinds of shields for almost anything you can think of including being out in space. Strap one of those on and you could even step out into the void of space completely naked without worry.

All of them share the same thing though, which is the fact that they were all really expensive.

Even a normal shield could cost upwards in the fifty thousand range and if you want the good ones, they could even start at a million Credits.

I'm not even sure if the price was that high because the shields were difficult to make or that these companies were just ripping us off because having a personal shield would be akin to having multiple lives and they know we would pay for one if we can afford it.

And of course, the really rich people would have the fear of being targeted or assassinated so they would definitely get one as well.

Searching up shield production yielded no concrete results since most people don't seem to know how to make one and anyone who does was keeping quiet about it.

Moving on, I searched up futas on the net and… Well… I should have expected something like this…

The first few results showed the basic meaning and facts about futas. After that, it was just porn.

Like holy shit there was so much of it.

At least I learned that there were enough chicks with dicks around that most people won't freak out when they see that someone like me was packing two different genitals down there.

As for the next subject on my list, that would be to search for recipes that I could follow.

The result was… Disappointing really.

Not that there weren't any but pretty much all of them were using organic ingredients to cook the food, which I suppose was an obvious answer now that I think about it.

But in the category of using synthfood to cook, I found virtually no results at all.

That was a shame but I decided to just save a few of the recipes anyway in case I could use them in the future. Who knows? I may even be able to recreate them with the synthfood!

Moving on… The next thing I wanted to know were the Noble Families.

Searching that up gave me a whole ton of results.

Simply taking the first few results, I tried to see what I could learn from them.

The first thing I learned was that the very first psionic appeared several decades after humanity first started going into space.

They manifested in some of the humans seemingly at random after being in space for a long period of time and the ability was hereditary.

That meant that if one of you is a psionic and had a child with a non-psionic parent, there is a chance that the child would be born with psionic potential.

If it's two psionic parents, then the chance rises to one hundred percent.

As to how the Noble Families came about…

When the government first found out about psionics, they did whatever most governments would do when facing something like this.

They rounded up the psionic individuals and started experimenting on them.

Naturally, the psionics were not happy with this kind of treatment but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

Thus, that led to the natural conclusion where they rose up against the people and the government to demand better treatment.

The government responded by hunting down psionics and anyone who resisted was shot and killed.

Finally, the psionics could not take it anymore and launched a full scale rebellion which forced the UTG to concede and stop all their experiments on them.

The psionics were obviously not satisfied and basically forced the government to implement a family system for them where they are considered nobles with higher power than us peasants.

Ironically, this ended up in the UTG's favour.

The psionics formed up families where they were now trying to obtain the most powerful psionic in their own families to become the most powerful and influential Noble Family.

And since it's genetic, they would look for strong fathers and strong mothers to give birth to strong children.

That meant the Noble Families now fight amongst themselves to get better genes rather than fight against the UTG or the USC and they could be watched over since all psionics should belong to a Noble Family.

Honestly, that's all just politics to me but I am quite curious what a psionic could actually do and how strong was the current strongest psionic?

A quick search later and… Well…

I found no results.

I'm not sure if it's because this particular information was kept secret or because there was no one to claim that spot.

If I had to guess, it's probably the latter but more because anyone who tries to claim it gets immediately defeated or killed off by someone else.

Putting that aside, I was now left with the most important question to search..

Where was Earth?

The search results of course did not give me a location of Earth but simply said that its location was completely removed from all sources following the AI rebellion to prevent them from reaching humanity's home planet.

They had deleted everything that had something to do with Earth and till this day, no one had succeeded in finding the planet yet.

Many ship captains have tried to search for it but all have turned up empty. Some even started forming groups to share what they have found and come up with theories on where the actual Earth was located.

Naturally, I wasn't about to join their little club since I was searching for the planet for myself and not for science or whatever.

Right as I was about to close the screen, a voice came from the side, "You're looking for Earth?"

I turned to see Mara looking at me, obviously awake.

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"Just now. While you were searching up Noble Families. So are you looking for Earth?"

I nodded, "I decided that I want to find it somehow… Why?"

"No reason, it's good to have a dream. At least yours is less self destructive than that stupid girl beside you. Speaking of which… I would ask you to take care of her, but she can probably take care of herself so I suppose I'll have to ask her to take care of you instead."

I chuckled, "You don't think I can take care of myself?"

She grinned, "I don't know you as well as I do her. And I suppose I would also be sad if you were to get hurt."

Amber suddenly spoke up from the side, "Don't worry, I'll protect her."

So we're all awake huh?

Then get out of bed already! It's a new day! Time to get productive!