Escort Missions Are Lonely

Sadly, Amber did not dock with my ship and we have to stay apart throughout the duration of this escort.

It makes sense now that I think about it. We're here to escort our client and having her dock with my ship would mean that in the event of an attack, she would be late in joining the fight and put all of us at risk since she has to undock her ship first.

Ugh… That meant I was stuck on my ship by myself throughout the journey until we reached the Cietai system at the very least.

I didn't really think how lonely it would feel after having Amber constantly at my side all this while and it has only been half a day since we set out.

The good thing was that we could still talk to each other through our private comms channel and I wasn't even the one suffering the most from this separation.

"Teraaaaaaa!! Waaaaahhhh!! I forgot to ask you to cook me something before we leeeeeft!! I'm stuck with all this tasteless synthfoooooood!!"