Getting Into The Warehouse

"Are you sure you'll be fine, Tera? I can just help out from the side without anyone knowing too," Amber asked.

"Geez, I'll be fine, Amber. Remember who was the one who pulled you out of that pirate ambush, ok? I know how to handle myself," I assured her.

Really, I feel that she suddenly got really overprotective all of a sudden, almost like I was dealing with a mother hen constantly clucking over me.

I can't deny that she looks really cute all flustered like that so I just gave her a kiss on her lips which quickly shut her up.

"I'll be fine, really. Trust me."

"Mnnggh… I suppose… Please be careful, Tera."

I giggled, "Yes, yes. I'll make sure to come back home for dinner, mommy~"

"Oh just for that… We are so doing it tonight!"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Has there been a night where we've not done it?"

"Ehehehe~ I just can't help it when I see you looking so sexy~"