There Was A War At Denibi

We were finally on our way to the Denibi system while escorting Reese's ship.

Since we had pretty much wiped most of the active pirates in the Cietai System, we did not meet any resistance while we were travelling.

It made the trip quite boring and I also realised that I forgot to get some kind of entertainment from the station before we left.

Which left me stuck with looking through the GalNet on my Codex while chatting with Amber during most of the journey, which I was actually still ok with.

At least Amber gave me the link to this universe's most popular video hosting site so I could at least entertain myself with that.

One good thing was that Amber seemed to have calmed down a little after that two hour long fuck session last night, so she's less moody about letting Reese deliver the box to Denibi Trade Station now.