White Powder

"So really… You can't tell me what was in that box?" I asked Amber after bringing the drugs back to my ship.

She seemed to be struggling for a moment before she turned to me, "I can't tell you what exactly it is and trust me… I mean it when I say that I would very happily tell you what it is if there was nothing stopping me…"

I nodded at her, "I'm hearing a 'but'?"

She fiddled with her fingers a little, "Umm… Let's see… What can I actually tell you? Umm… It's a… I guess you can classify that as a bioweapon of sorts? And it kind of involves a lot of people suffering."

I guess for something that was classified as a 'bioweapon', it certainly would… Maybe it's like some kind of poison gas the military created or something?

Certainly wouldn't want that being spread to an enemy faction that could potentially use it against us should a war break out again.

"Right… And err… Just out of curiosity… What would be the effects should such a thing be used?"