First Thing To Do After An Escort Job (*RR)

I was fully expecting to encounter another ambush before we reached the Warp Gate.

But surprisingly, we actually reached the Warp Gate without any other incident after flying for a day and a half.

We hung back with the other Mercs and watched as the Destroyer and the remaining escorts slowly approached the Warp Gate to begin their warping sequence.

The leader addressed us through the comms, "We thank you all for your help. We will send the payment as well as a bonus for safely escorting us here within the day."

He then saluted us before ending the call, the Destroyer and its escorts warping out from the system.

The other Mercs also started to disperse with a few choosing to make use of the Warp Gate to warp away as well while the others turned back to the station's direction.

I also turned my ship around but held my position and waited for Amber to dock her ship with mine.