We're Going Back To Theeve

We went straight back to the hangar bay with Bimic since we weren't sure if more of those assassins would be sent after us. If we're lucky, we would be out of the station before those guys even know we already left.

As much as I would like Amber to take it easy right now, she still needed to fly her own ship out first before she could dock with mine.

Lea and Bimic went ahead to board my ship and we stuffed as much of his things as we could into my ship's storage room but we ended up needing to leave some of the things outside in the corridor as there wasn't enough space.

Bimic was looking around my ship in wonder, "So you're really well off I see. I guess that makes sense if you were able to hire a Gold ranked Merc as your bodyguard."

Lea gave me a look, wondering if I was going to tell him that I was actually a Mercenary myself but I decided that there was no need for me to do so and just let him arrive at his own conclusions.