Battlebots Fight

The fight we were witnessing now was apparently between a bot named 'Patrick The Patter' and 'Liquifier Loch'.

Don't ask me about the names, I'm just repeating what was shown, ok? Even I think it's a bit ridiculous…

Ironically, when the bots appeared from both sides of the arena, I realised why they were given those names.

The robot named Patrick had fists that were almost half the size of its body which I guess must be what it uses to 'pat' its opponents.

As for the other one… The one named Loch seemed to have a layer of liquid over its body that wobbled each time it took a step forward.

Both of them look humanoid with two arms and two legs though, which was different from the ones that I saw at the gambling district where they had robots on wheels and caterpillar threads.