The Centaur Merc

That centaur Merc was obviously tearing up the place with those weapons of his.

It kind of made me feel a little unnecessary now.

He also had a personal shield that must be designed to withstand a lot of hits because both sides of the gang had started concentrating their fire on him yet his shield still remained up.

That's not to say he was just standing there taking shots because he was just galloping around the market and taking accurate shots with his bow while the minigun on his back shredded anyone that tried to attack him from behind.

Well, I wasn't going to just sit back and do nothing while letting him take all the kills. I was still planning to at least have some right to the loot after this.

I continued my attack on the gang I was already near, which was made easier by the fact that most of them were occupied with trying to deal with the centaur guy.