Modding Talk

After that little explanation on AI Classes, we decided to help Ries unpack some of the things.

She assured us that we didn't need to unpack everything, just the boxes that contained the drones since they would then be able to help her unpack.

The Maochatte claimed that it would be a good chance for her to test out their capabilities to gauge what she needs to change and tinker for them.

While we were moving the drones out for Ries to activate, I decided to bring up the idea of mods to the other girls since they were already here anyway.

Everyone seemed to have their own thoughts about it when I mentioned it.

Amber seemed quite excited about it and turned to me with wide eyes, "Oh! Are you going to mod yourself again, Tera?"

"Ah… Err… Well… I haven't really decided yet… I just thought to ask about your opinions on that."

"I think Mistress will still be perfect regardless of what you do," Lea added from the side.