Ries And Shine

Amber was giving me a smug smile when I left the room with Ries.

"Did you pound the pussy cat good?" She asked unashamedly.

I rolled my eyes and was just about to answer but Ries beat me to it.

"Ye… Yes… Boss pounded me really good…"

Wow… She really went to say it huh?

That admission only made Amber's smile turn even more smug.

I decided to ignore that and asked about something else that I wanted to know for a while now, "What was this I heard about 'mating signs'?"

Amber gestured towards Ries, "A Maochatte would only let people who are close to them pat their heads."

"Err… Ok? Doesn't that include you and Lea as well? That isn't really a sign?" I pointed out.

"Hehe~ But a Maochatte would only curl up on the lap of their mate or someone they are interested in making their mate."


"Wait… Wasn't she under the influence of that aphrodisiac thing?"