Who Is Up For Some Poker?

"The poker table," Mara decided while I was still looking around the place.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "You're intending to use 'that' to win, aren't you?"

She smiled mischievously at me, "Naturally. What's the point of having it and not using it?"

"As long as we don't get caught I guess…"

Mara chuckled, "Don't worry. In the outer colonies, people like me are treated more like urban legends instead. Almost everyone here could go their entire life without meeting a Psionic."

I suppose nobles like her would usually stay in the inner colonies where it's more comfortable instead of out in the middle of nowhere like Denibi.

And even if there were, they won't announce themselves either so you might even be near one and not know that they were Psionic at all.

Case in point, Mara.