They Were Not Expecting Anyone To Win Like This

That jackpot was worth sixty thousand chips.

I was expecting the machine to start dispensing the but it seems like this had to be done manually and Ingrid had to go and fetch someone to deal with this instead.

Thus, we had to wait in front of the machine while she was away.

The two men that had been laughing at us earlier had already ran off with their heads down in embarrassment, but the fact that we needed to wait for Ingrid to return meant I had to leave the machine untouched.

That resulted in several other people walking past and gaping when they saw my slot machine displaying the jackpot.

A few of them shot me congratulatory smiles but most of them were glaring at me with a mix of jealousy and accusation.

Naturally, I just ignored them which wasn't really that hard since the girls were still busy fawning over me for some reason.