Let's See Your Work, Tyle

I watched the three former drug addicts in front of me with a concerned expression on my face.

I know only the woman and the last guy actually acted crazily but their actions definitely showed that they were a little unhinged.

That's why it feels a little surreal to see all three of them obediently seated in front of me and looking completely normal instead of acting crazy like how they were moments ago.

"So… Are you still feeling some craving for organic food now?"

The woman looked up at me with serious eyes, "The only thing we are craving for is to be granted the honour of being allowed to taste your cooking again."

Err… Ok? I don't even know if that was a good thing or not…

I guess you could say that it's a good thing since it's clear that my food was able to fulfil their unconscious craving for the drug even though they didn't even know that the craving came from the drug itself.