Prepping For The Station Raid

We ended up getting eight more solo Mercs to join our group which brought our numbers up to sixty exactly.

The eight solo Mercs had no ships of their own so they would be joining the assault on my ship instead.

Incidentally, either by coincidence or design, all eight of them were male Mercs and they look like they had been cybernetically modded to the teeth.

Heck, one of them even looked like he had a shoulder mounted rocket launcher while another looked like he had given himself two more robotic arms that sprouted from his shoulder.

These guys look more like mechs than actual people if you asked me…

Yet, they were extremely polite when I talked to them. The dichotomy between how they looked and what they were saying was really big.

Can you believe they referred to me as "My Lady"? And they were even saying it seriously too and not in a mocking kind of way.