Knock Knock, We're Here For Loot

I docked back in my ship's hangar while it approached the mining station.

I powered down the Verlandi and grabbed my gear before heading to the exit ramp.

Unsurprisingly, Amber was already there waiting for me with a smile on her face.

"Ready to go, Tera?" She asked.

"Yeah. And the others?"

"Ries is cruising us to dock on the station. ETA five minutes. The other Mercs are also waiting at the cargo bay. Shall we join them?"

Why not?

I hopped off the ramp and let the Verlandi lock itself as the two of us made our way to the cargo bay.

Entering it, I found the Mercs that were accompanying our ship all waiting at the centre of the cargo bay and doing final checks on their weapons.

Aside from those guys who look like mechs, a few more had transferred over from the other groups to even out the numbers on each of our boarding parties.