They're Calling Me Goddess Now

Ok… So I kind of figured out that maybe the traits I had picked during character creation is actually affecting me in this life right now.

There's just one problem though… I don't remember all the traits I had picked for myself when I was creating my character…

Hey… You really can't blame me for this one… I had literally made this character thinking that this playthrough was just going to be me testing out the new mod I downloaded for the game so I just picked all the new traits I could to see what it did… I wasn't even really paying attention to the names of the traits aside from making sure that they were traits or perks added by the mod before adding them to the character…

At least so far, things have been working out pretty well for me right? So of course I wasn't going to question it…

Wait a minute… If the traits and perks really work like that… Why did it not work when I had pressed the button the first time Ries had set the parameters?