The monster was not done with eating the transformed boy as it went ahead to munch on the pieces that had been separated from the initial bite.
That gave me enough time to gesture at the other girls that we should get out of here right now. Hopefully, this thing would be occupied with eating that and we can try to rescue the other kids while it was distracted.
Thankfully, it seemed like it was more interested in the remains of that other monster it was eating instead of us so we managed to get out of the room without it trying to stop us.
Ries seemed to have also kept the drones on standby mode so they weren't firing at the monster either.
The door shut as we left the research lab but I wasn't counting on that door to hold since this was not an armoured one and the monster managed to get past an armoured one.
"We have to get the other kids… Now…" I instructed.