I did a scan of the animal first with my Codex and it does seem like it's safe.
By safe, I mean safe to eat of course.
I poked the meat that I was searing on the pan to check its consistency before flipping it over, making sure that the meat was thoroughly soaked in the sauce.
Since this was safe to eat, the next most important question was whether it tasted good.
The other girls were all waiting at the dining table while drooling at me searing the… Err… I guess I can just call this steak?
I mean… I'm cooking it like one so I guess it's steak.
Believing the steak to be done, I took it out from the pan and cut it up into five portions to be divided up into five plates before taking them to the dining table to be served.
Since this was just a test dish for now, I decided not to make too much in case it didn't turn out to be palatable.